miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

KMIS 2016

Entre el 9 y 11 de noviembre estaré en Porto en la 8th International Conference on Knowledge Managament and Information Sharing, presentando dos ponencias.

En colaboración con el estudiante de maestría Juan Pablo Meneses:
Knowledge Management Framework for Early Phases in TOGAF-based Enterprise ArchitectureConsulting firms in enterprise architecture that develop projects through the TOGAF framework may generate valuable knowledge from project to project. However, for this knowledge to create value, it must be supported by an effective ability to capture, store and reuse it. This paper proposes a knowledge management framework focused on TOGAF initial phases to enable reusing lessons from previous projects. Through a specific meta-model, it offers “ways of” thinking, working, supporting, controlling and modelling this process. As a result, we present some steps to develop knowledge management in TOGAF-based enterprise architecture projects through a case study in a consulting firm.

En colaboración con el estudiante de doctorado Néstor Nova:
Coordination Problems in Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Inter-Organizational ProjectsWhen multiple organizations are involved in a heritage management project, the coordination of actions is complex and can affect the knowledge transfer process. This paper contributes a systematic and empirical study of the dynamics of coordination activities inside a knowledge transfer process in heritage management activities. Using the information-processing view of coordination, we explore the following question: what kinds of coordination issues affect effective coordination of knowledge transfer in inter-organizational projects? The discussion is supported by a case study in the architectural heritage domain. We reveal that there are many coordination issues that affect the mutual understanding between actors, limiting information exchange and knowledge transfer. These issues uncover a gap between the conception and use of ICTs that support coordination, and a lack of understanding about how ICT usage affects the knowledge transfer process. Thus, a socio-material perspective about relationship between people and coordination technologies could improve knowledge transfer performance.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Embroidering engineering: a case of embodied learning and design of a tangible user interface

El artículo titulado "Embroidering engineering: a case of embodied learning and design of a tangible user interface" ha sido publicado en la revista Engineering Studes.

Abstract: In this paper, we reflect upon the process that frames a particular MSc final capstone project which connects communities of craft women embroiderers and an interdisciplinary team of social scientists and engineers in Colombia. We argue that capstone projects framed by participatory methodologies are characterized by embodied learning processes which in turn are shaped by a tension between that which is learnt by engineers in contact with craft communities and that which is required by engineering schools to certify the skills of engineers in the making. Methodologically, the case study is based on an ethnography of the design process and complemented by an analysis of how capstone projects are narrated by engineers in dialogue with social scientists. Through the case study, we show the different negotiations and contradictions that shape this process and the implications they have for engineering education and final capstone projects in particular.

Artículo completo AQUÍ

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Una estrategia para la apropiación de las TIC en la reconciliación del conflicto colombiano

El artículo titulado "Una estrategia para la apropiación de las TIC en la reconciliación de las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano" en co-autoría con José Bocanegra y Leonardo Olaya aparece en el último número de la revista Trilogía.
Resumen: una de las fases del proceso de paz que se adelanta en Colombia está relacionada con la elaboración de un acuerdo. Luego de ello, se debe iniciar una etapa de construcción de paz territorial en la que participen todos los ciudadanos y las comunidades. Uno de los objetivos de esta etapa consiste en impactar positivamente los derechos de las víctimas. Esto puede lograrse mediante la construcción de espacios que faciliten la reflexión, el diálogo y la acción entre los actores del conflicto para buscar su reconciliación. En este orden de ideas, las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) pueden jugar un rol importante para propiciar esos espacios. Por tanto, en este artículo se presenta una estrategia para la apropiación de las TIC en la reconciliación de las víctimas del conflicto colombiano. En concreto, la estrategia se materializa en una propuesta conceptual de un sistema informático que facilite la comunicación, la interacción y la presentación de ideas y argumentos entre los actores del conflicto.

Artículo completo AQUÍ