viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013


El 11 y 12 de junio estaré en Helsinki presentando el artículo titulado: "Seeking constructive synergy: Design Science and the Constructive Research Approach" escrito en conjunto con Kalle Piirainen y cuyo asbtract es: Information systems research and management science create knowledge which can be applied in organizations. Design science, which specifically aims at applying existing knowledge to solve interesting and relevant business problems, has been steadily gaining support in information systems research. However, design science is not the only design-oriented framework. Accordingly, this raises the question of whether it is possible to compare the results obtained from different brands of design-oriented research. This paper contributes to answering this question by comparing two research approaches, enabling mutual learning possibilities and suggesting improvements in transparency and rigor. The objective of this paper is thus to compare design science research with the constructive research approach. The conclusion is that the two approaches are compatible, save for details in practical requirements and partly underlying philosophical assumptions, but both have something to teach each other about how to define and execute design-oriented research in information systems and management science.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Capítulo de libro: Anonimización de historias clínicas electrónicas

Ha salido publicado el capítulo "Proposal for Interactive Anonymization of Electronic Medical Records" del cual soy co-autor en el libro Information Systems and Technologies for Enhancing Health and Social Care.

Abstract: One of the most important inputs for medical research is the information registered in electronic medical records. This information typically contains sensitive data that must be preserved in order to be used for research or educational purposes, and protected depending on the regulations of each country and institution. In order to assure confidentiality of data, different techniques can be used to remove basic identifiers (e.g. names, IDs); however, these techniques can be easily bypassed by attackers who know the information that can act as pseudo-identifiers of patients (e.g. birthdates, gender). Although these pseudo-identifiers can also be removed, the information they contain is valuable for medical research. To face this problem, different methods that allow minimizing the risk of sharing confidential information have been proposed. The interactive use of anonymization algorithms for electronic medical records is the main contribution of this chapter, dubbed a proposal for anonymization of electronic health records.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

Director Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas

Empezando este nuevo año, me posesionaré como nuevo Director del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Javeriana. El nombramiento por parte del Vicerrector Académico se dio en diciembre, pero oficialmente asumiré el cargo el 15 de enero.